page kat atas ni adalah page salah satu site my uni yg kena deface
deface from indonesia hack community
still baru lg aku my uni dah fix dah bende nie.... uni??what's wrong...
cam ne leh jadi
tu la,xnk dgr ckp 'kawan aku' :p
based pada cerita kawan aku la,die dah ckp yg site my uni ni byk lubang @ holes
which means senang nk exploit, dlm bahasa komputer - vulnerability
then,dieorang still kata dieorang sudah sedia ada pakar2 yg bleh handle bende2 cm ni
but,still the same problem happen again
cuma,bende ni bile jadi..xbrape heboh sgt...
as a student at this my uni,aku rase malu plak
uni bleh dikatakan stnded jugak,tp security in terms of networking kureng sgt
plus dieorang ni xleh ditegur kesalahan dieorang
susah betol bile dah jadi pndi sgt kot...hehe
'kawan aku' dah pon bg nasihat
kat mana yg patut di patch..ape yg perlu dibuat
xnk dgr sgt..
kan dh kena deface lg...
do something la my uni
jgn nk kejar world class je
bukan pakar2 xpower,cume pakar2 rasa dieorang ni betol
once dieorang Di tegur kesalahan dieorang,dieorang xnk mengaku...susah betol la...
cite pasal deface menDeface ni..
baru2 ni budak indon ade deface web budak malaysia
then,budak2 malaysia balas balik
tp bukan sebarang deface
siap deface web sekuriti no 1 indon lg...
haha...sape suh maen2 deface...kan dah kene...
atas sebab tertentu aku xdedahkan la 'my uni' tu ape?
tp for those who know me
n know where im learn
there should really know whose im referring about :)
no String AttaChed..
Since 2012
10 years ago
Haihs.. malu2.. da brapa banyak kes da camni..
aku berminat dowhhhhhhhhhhh!cite r kat aku sape my uni
ade la...
nape kwn tuh ade tande (')..ade maksud tersirat o ter-letter ker